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Malibu Strings Party at HAZE Nightclub at Aria Resort and Casino in Las Vegas.

Amber B - Gallery 2
Hello! My name is Amber. I�m 25 years old and live in Phoenix, AZ, one of the HOTTEST cities in America. When I first heard of Malibu Strings Bikini Company, all my girlfriends were wearing them and I just HAD to get in on the action! I currently own six of their stunning bikinis but I'll definitely come back for more. With a wide variety of colors, patterns and shapes Malibu Strings keeps their styles fresh, fabulous and of course, SEXY. Want to know a secret? MS bikinis not only look great, they are ultra comfortable too! For my latest photo shoot I picked the sexy Liquid Metal swim suit. I decided to take the photos at Lake Pleasant because of the positive energy I feel there. What a FUN experience! I encourage you to browse the tantilizing selection today, pick something you LOVE, and join the PARTY. SMILE.

Purchase the bikinis feautured in this gallery here:
Liquid Metal Bikini

Malibu Strings Bikini Banner